Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Internal and external customers

I left Uppsala 1999 with a Master's degree in English linguistics, and have since then worked mainly within the IT and telecom field with language and localization related work.
At my current workplace, although belonging to the software organization, my section does not deliver much code, but rather function as a subvendor to the various software projects, providing refined resources to platform and application development.

From a customer definition perspective, we can distinguish various types of customers that all have different expectations on us. On a higher level we can divide them into internal and external customers, with the software project being our primary customer. After all, it is their resources we refine governed by their requirements and deadlines, and the the quality of the material we supply to them influence the perception of their deliverables further down the line.
Other types of internal customers, once we have a finalized product or a functional prototype, are the various market and customer units who have other requirements on our deliverables, be it legal requirements, region or market specific requirements, or marketing requirements that we need to comply to.

Examples of external customers are the various telephony operators around the globe. They can have very specific requirements and expectations on what we deliver, and compliance to their expectations is crucial as their business constitute a large part of our revenue.
Finally, there's the end users, the consumers, the people who are the final buyers of our products. They are of course an external customer to greatly consider. If our deliverable, our part of the final user experience, is not up to par with the quality expectations of the end user, then it will not matter how much we complied to our other customers, internal or external. If we do not come through to the end users and provide them with a unique experience, we risk our customer retention as they may turn to other suppliers in search of that unique experience.

My expectations on this course is to gain a better understanding of the psychology and theories regarding customers and customer experience, and strive to find methods to apply this understanding as variables in our continuous quality enhancing analytics, with the objective to increase the satisfaction for all our various types of customers.

I also look forward to using social media as a means of study, a new format for me. I am not a particularly avid user of social media; my social media presence has so far not reached far beyond Facebook and LinkedIn. I did create a Twitter account in 2009, but I have hardly ever used it as I didn't really come to terms with how to use the 140 character communication format successfully and couldn't untangle the web of replies, retweets, mentions and other whatnots.

This post is the first in a series of reflections and assignments I will write as part of the course "Understanding Customer Experience" provided by Karlstad  Business School.


  1. Hi Jerquer! Warm welcome to the course once again! Really great to have you with us! I am very excited to discuss "our" topic together with you, especially given your extensive background in the area. Great to see that you are tweeting about your article! Hope a lot of the other participants follow your example so that we can create a vibrant community and share a lot of experiences, thoughts and articles. Now that you are set, it would be a good idea to say hello to the other bloggers by commenting on their introductory posts. So long, Jörg

  2. Hi Jerker,
    I am glad to see that we all come with different backgrounds. It will make the course experience so much more interesting. I am also a beginner and will put up my blog this weekend. Looking forward to our next class.

  3. Hi Jerker,
    Interesting to read about your reflections on different types of customers, I have similar experiences as you about internal and external customers and by the end it's always the end-customer that counts the most. And thanks for your comment on my new blog :-) /Jenny

  4. Hi
    Really glad you bring up the internal customers!
    Many organisations could certainly need a bit of consideration to this group of highly valued customers that accounts for a huge amount of revenue.


  5. Hi Jerker!
    I, like Erik, appreciate that you also focus om internal costumers. We have so many different kind of costumers that we have to relate to and to prioritise depending on what we want to achieve.
    See you soon on the web!

  6. Very interesting that you have introduced internal customers.As a freelance, I conceptualise customers as corporate or final customers, so reading different perspectives is going to enrich this course very much.I am looking forward to read your experiences with big corporations
